Monday, February 23, 2009
The Future of Journalism
What can be trusted? In 10 to 15 years, I believe there will be incredibly strict regulations on what can be publicly announced, even on the internet. It may be dangerous to even post blogs about news that has not been verified and is inaccurate information.
Because of the direction that journalism is taking now, I do believe steps like these will be taken to prevent the complete deterioration of journalism's reputation and to prevent mass misuderstandings. However, it may very well be the case that these regulations stifle certain news that the public needs because of the red tape journalists may not want to deal with.
I cannot possibly describe any future news outlet, just as generations before me could not have ever known that one day people would be getting their news from an image box or, better yet, a monitor that allows worldwide communication. However, even if another news outlet is invented, in 10 to 15 years it probably still won't be widely recognized as the major news source.
I believe the internet will be the most common news source--at least in America. As the older generations die off (for lack of better terminology) then my generation and those that follow will probably tend to mostly lean towards to the quicker-to-get news: search engines and websites. We have been brought up as impatient people, wanting to get what we want when we want. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that important, elaborate stories regarding politics and other more complicated matters may be greatly ignored. Without a people too concerned with keeping up-to-date with governmental affairs, comes a government not greatly concerned with sticking to the rules. It's up to journalists to spread the message in the most effective way possible.
As an aspiring public relations specialist, I do not foresee as much trouble as actual journalists working with the news media, other than the fact that corruption in America is steadily growing. Take the recent bail out efforts for example--some businesses are learning that with enough money and political influence, they can do they want and still be given a helping hand from the government. I hope to one day work for a large corporation, and unless something is done about maintaining good ethics and punishing misconduct, my job is going to be a lot harder.
However, I think the biggest problem (much like many of those surveyed by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press) is going to be financial difficulties. The economy is looking grim, and the future of print media is being stomped by the rise of the internet.
As far as emerging business models are concerned, journalism may become more of a service rather than a product. Advertising will be much more abundant (which could serve as another problem as journalists may struggle to please their advertisers under the pressure of the economic turmoil). Furthermore, conglomerates will probably emerge all over, as each corporation struggles to improve all aspects of their product and to stay in business. This of course would mean less competition--something that the United States never wants to see.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Interview question for Shirley Raines:
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Lead Assignment
Hard Lead:
KABUL, Afghanistan — A foretaste of what would be in store for President Hamid Karzai after the election of a new American administration came last February, when Joseph R. Biden Jr., then a senator, sat down to a formal dinner at the palace during a visit here.
Between platters of lamb and rice, Mr. Biden and two other American senators questioned Mr. Karzai about corruption in his government, which, by many estimates, is among the worst in the world. Mr. Karzai assured Mr. Biden and the other senators that there was no corruption at all and that, in any case, it was not his fault.
I liked this lead for the most part, but I think the author should have included what country Hamid Karzai is president of (for those who don't know). It mostly got to the point, giving the people involved, where they were, and what they were talking about, but some pointless information--like what they ate--distracted the main points.
The most important aspect in this article appeared to be that Karzai is not recognizing the obvious corruption in his country.
SPOKANE, Wash. — You only get so many chances at the University of Memphis to show the country what you are, to find out how far you’ve come and to put yourself in position to be called a contender for — yes, it’s OK to say it now — the NCAA title.
So this was the place on Saturday, in an arena that had been sold out for months, against a Gonzaga team perceived to be of equal or better quality, with a national television audience on ESPN waiting to be convinced.
It was okay, but I could see how it could be offensive to the University of Memphis: "You only get so many chances at the University of Memphis to show the country what you are..." What's that suppose to mean?
And Gonzaga wasn't perceived to be of equal or better quality. We were ranked #15. They were ranked #18.
However, it got the point across even if the wording wasn't great, and was an interesting anecdotal lead, so I suppose it was effective in getting the message across.
The most important aspect according to this lead? That Memphis beat a great team on ESPN.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Purpose of Journalism
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My Bio.

So I'm Amber (Leigh) Crawford. I was born in Paducah, KY, moved to Memphis when I was two years old, moved to Columbia, TN (mule town capital of the world) when I was 11, and now I'm back in Memphis for hopefully at least the next few years. I have two older brothers: Lane Crawford (who just graduated from U. of Memphis in December) and Ryan Crawford (who is currently a junior here at the University as well.) My dad is the cheesiest but most laid-back man I know. He works for the Boy Scouts of America as a District Executive...or something. Yes, he occassionally goes on camp outs and yes he wears unnecessarily short shorts, long green socks, and a ranger hat.
I've loved reading and writing ever since, well, I could read and write. I was highly involved in high school, particularly senior year, with soccer, Future Business Leaders of America (I was the president!), DECA club, Signal Staff, Stylus Editorial Board, National Honors Society, Beta Club, working the school coffee shop and bookstore, volunteering at the Red Cross, and running a Journalism Explorer post my dad and I arranged at our local newspaper. That's where I discovered that I never ever wanted to work for a newspaper. So, my dad suggested public relations, and I went along with it since I love organizing events, writing, and networking. I'm not great at public speaking, and frankly it scares me to death, but I love it.
I like sports to a dangerous degree. Currently, I play soccer, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee. I'm a Titans, Memphis Tigers, and Arkansas Razorbacks...hardcore fan. I actually busted my best friend's head open with a chair over a UT/Arkansas game. Long story. I enjoy cooking, facebook, movies, watching The Office, and taking pictures with my friends. My favorite artists include The Eagles, Brand New, Miranda Lambert, Third Eye Blind, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, BEN KWELLER, Paul Simon, The Fray, Dashboard Confessional, Corrinne Bailey Rae, Snow Patrol...I could go on and on. But I won't.
"The lion at the zoo is a pitiful site. The king of beasts is eating processed food, while you can see deep down in his soulful eyes, that he misses the thrill of the hunt."
--Dave Ramsey
I love that quote, but it makes me sad. Really, I just didn't know how to conclude.